A motion is a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the assembly take certain action (RONR (11THed.), p58, II. 5-7). The proposed action may be of a substantive nature, or it may express a certain view or direct that a particular investigation be conducted and the findings be reported to the assembly for possible further action.
1. Obtain the floor: When the meeting calls for "New Business", stand and address the chair by saying "Mr. President". If you are entitled to the floor at that time, the chair will recognize you. (RONR 11thed. p.29, II 11-18)
2. Make your motion: Remain standing and state your motion clearly for the assembly. No one is allowed to interrupt you while you have the floor.(RONR 11thed. p.30, II 1-16) Until the motion has been restated by the chair (step 4), it is the property of the mover and may be withdrawn or modified without consent from anyone.(RONR 11thed. p.295, II 25-33)
3. Have your motion seconded: Other members may "third" or "fourth" etc. your motion as well to show their support. (RONR 11thed. p.35, II 4-8)
4. The chair states the question: When stated, the motion is now pending and is "on the floor" for debate. (RONR 11thed. p.38, II 6-9) At this time the motion belongs to the meeting as a whole and can only be withdrawn or modified through approval of the chair. (RONR 11thed. p.295, II 25-33) In the case of a resolution, the chair may state the question by saying, “It is moved and seconded to adopt the following resolution" or, “…that the following resolution be adopted” or, "...Resolved, that … (reading the resolution)."
5. Debate on the motion begins: Now that the motion is pending or "on the floor", the mover of the motion has the right to take the floor and speak first in the debate. Any member who desires to take the floor in the debate may do so for 7 minutes at a time, and can speak twice only when all members who desired to take the floor have already spoken on the matter. If a member does speak twice, he then has exhausted his right to debate for that day on that matter. (RONR 11thed. p.34, II 2-3, RONR 11thed. p.43, II 4-10)
6. Other members are called on to speak: Once the mover of a motion has exercised his right to take the floor first and state their case in favor of the motion, the chair should alternate the floor by saying, "Since the last speaker spoke in favor of the motion, who wishes to speak in opposition?"
- If this is not done, a Point of Order can be called immediately, and it should be corrected. A Point of Order is an individual incidental motion and is to take precedence over the pending main motion to be voted on by the assembly. (RONR 11thed. p.31, II 8-26)
- While the assembly is in debate, the presiding officer is to stay out of all debate and remain seated. (RONR 11thed. p.43-44, II 23-32 II. 1-9)
- While the assembly is in debate and the motion is pending, there are additional secondary motions that can be made as follows. (RONR 11thed. p.35, II. 1-8)
7. The chair puts the question: After all debate comes to a close, the chair "puts the question" (puts it to a vote). (RONR 11thed. p.42, II 17-20)
8. The assembly votes: Details to follow
9. The chair announces the result: Once this is completed, the motion has now resolved and a new motion can be presented repeating the process.
Types of Motions
(RONR 11thed. p.59-80)
1. Main motions
a. Original main motions
b. Incidental main motions
2. Subsidiary motions: Must be seconded, voted upon, and upheld with a majority vote. They are also debatable.
a. Postpone Indefinitely
b. Amend
c. Refer it to a committee
d. Postpone
e. Limit Debates
f. Previous Question
g. Lay on the Table
3. Privileged motions: Should be allowed to interrupt, and without debate be considered.
a. Call for the Orders of the Day
b. Raise a Question of Privilege
c. Recess
d. Adjourn
e. Fix the Time in Which to Adjourn
4. Incidental motions: With few exceptions must be decided immediately without debate.
a. Point of Order
b. Appeal
c. Suspend the Rules
d. Objection to the Consideration of the Question
e. Division of a Question
f. Consideration by Paragraph or Seriatim
g. Division of the Assembly
h. Motions Relating to Methods of Voting and the Polls
i. Motions Relating to Nominations
j. Request to be Excused from Duty
k. Requests and Inquiries
5. Motions that bring a question again before the assembly: To reopen a completed question, and to change something previously adopted or still in force.
a. Take from the Table
b. Rescind, Repeal, or Annul
c. Discharge a Committee
d. Reconsider